Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Benefits of Snail

Benefits of Snail

Health Benefits of Snail
Benefits of Snail

Snails belong to a large class of invertebrates within the phylum Mollusca. This class of invertebrates are called Gastropoda. This class comprises snails from saltwater, from freshwater, and from land. Sea snails lived 550 million years ago and land snails evolved 286 million years ago. There are over 43,000 snail species found in different parts of the world. Snails have no bones and their shells are made of calcium carbonate with protein layers which harden over time.

Snails are closely connected to human species, sometimes as food items, sometimes as decorative objects, sometimes as pests, and sometimes as vectors of disease. Sea snails are found in red, orange and yellow colours whereas land snails use camouflage colours such as white, brown and grey to hide from their many predators.

Snails have a simple brain. Still the are capable of associative learning and of forming long-term memories. It compels our wonder that they can lift up to 10 times their own body weight in a vertical position.

Snails have over 14,000 teeth on their tongue and they can locate food a few metres away due to their extraordinary sense of smell. The larger set of tentacles is their eyes, although they are almost blind and the smaller set is their olfactory organs.
Health Benefits of Snail
Benefits of Snail

Snails are one of the slowest creatures found on the planet earth. They move at a speed of 1.3 centimetres per second. They are normally active at night or during the day if it rains. Many species of snails hibernate in winter or during severe droughts, by sealing their entrance with dried mucus called an epiphragm and then gluing themselves to something in a shady place.
The largest land snail recorded was a giant African snail measuring 30 centimeters long and weighing nearly one kilogram. The normal lifespan of most of the snails is around five years. Some species of snails can live up to 25 years.
Snails are hermaphrodites. In biology, a hermaphrodite is an organism that has complete or partial reproductive organs and produces gametes normally associated with both male and female sexes. Most of the invertebrates do not have separate sexes. In these animals, hermaphroditism is a normal condition. This property of hermaphroditism enables the animals to form sexual reproduction in which either partner can act as the male or female. Some species of fishes and most plants are also hermaphrodites. Mating occurs mostly at the end of spring season into early summer season and 80 -100 eggs are laid in the soil.
Baby snails are transparent. They hatch within two to four weeks and it takes up to three months for them to fully develop their adult colours. They reach adult size and sexual maturity in two to three years.
Some snail species cause great damage to agriculture as they spread very quickly. Most of the gardeners try to kill snails using chemicals. But it has been observed that if the snails are displaced from their position to somewhere nearby place, they usually do not come back to the same place. So adoption of this technique will be favourable to our eco system.
Health Benefits of Snail
Benefits of Snail

Snail is a good source of protein, iron, vitamin B12, magnesium, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids.


Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle. Snails provide a low calorie source of protein. So snails as seafood can be an easy source of protein.


Snail is rich in iron. Iron is essential for producing red blood cells. Lack of iron may lead to fatigue and anaemia.

Vitamin B12

Snails have lots of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is required for producing red blood cells, releasing energy from the eaten foods, processing folic acid and keeping a healthy nervous system.


Snail is a good source of Magnesium. Magnesium help maintain a normal blood pressure. This mineral also strengthens bones and keeps heartbeats regular.


Snail contains selenium. This mineral aids in keeping a healthy immune system. Selenium also helps protect cells against damage.

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Snails also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for keeping a healthy heart.

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